Thursday, March 03, 2005

I did nothing today. Fantastic.

In a few weeks' time, the proper response to such a comment will be: "As usual." "I did nothing today." "As usual." Hee. Fantastic.

I just received some not-so-fantastic news today, though. I got a D on my final exam in Financial Economics. A "D". If I recall correctly, the exam has a 30-percent bearing on my final grade, which, upon some calculation, will result to-- hmmm-- a B. Not bad? Bad. I feel kinda sad about the whole thing, knowing that I botched up my chance to get an A for the subject, and in the process botched up my chance for getting a 4.0 for this semester. Yes, it's quite a pipe dream, but pipe dreams never hurt anybody, right? They never hurt anybody, at least until the moment when those pipe dreams vanish into thin air.

Bah. Enough of that sad stuff. I'll get over it. But seriously, a D?!? What was I doing?!? Did I take the test blindfolded? Hee.

I have something to look forward to for tomorrow, and that's fantastic, given these taskless times. I will be taking SonyLife's pre-employment exam. SonyLife is one of the two insurance companies I applied in as an actuarial assistant. The other insurance company is PhilamLife, and I'll be taking their exam soon enough. But tomorrow, SonyLife. I've always liked the HR girl who inquired about my schedule (her name is Valerie); I think she's sweet and nice. It's a good omen for someone who's terribly terrified of interviews and other forms of formal social contact. If the HR's nice, then perhaps the interview will go well. I hope.

Tomorrow's exam will last 2 hours, so says Valerie. The first hour will be (I assume) the typical IQ exam. The next hour will be the CIP. I forget what CIP means, but it's a program to introduce the candidates to the world of insurance, specifically within the context of SonyLife. I'm actually looking forward to this second part, mainly because I have, as yet, no idea of how to become an actuary in the Philippines. Perhaps the program will shed light on my query.

This reminds me. I have to research about SonyLife in case any form of interviews arise. It's good to be prepared. Jeland told me to treat it as some kind of oral exam, which is why my heart's beating at an impossibly rapid rate and my tummy's doing nosedives. Oral exam, indeed.

(Seriously. A D?!?)


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